Reports and research in the areas of childcare, education, youth, community, families & health
21 December 2015
18 December 2015
Bett Show
The Bett Show is an annual event, providing those working in education, at all levels, the opportunity to experiment with the latest technology, hear from inspirational figures and experts in the industry and meet peers from around the world.
The event will be held in London from 20-23 January - tickets are free and going fast!
Be Inspired...
"I love the challenges and I love my teaching life.
I hope to convey to young people considering teaching - that it is a privilege.”
Nancie Atwell, Global Teacher Prize 2015 Winner
The annual Global Teacher Prize, which will be awarded next March, was set up by the Varkey Foundation. Last year, there was one UK entrant but this year, three UK teachers have been shortlisted; their achievements are inspiring - the judges certainly have a difficult task ahead!
We wish all entrants the very best of luck.
17 December 2015
'Reading is Cool'
A report published by the National Literacy Trust, shows using ebooks increases boys’ reading progress, making them confident, keen readers; attitudes toward reading improved over the course of the project, with more pupils stating that 'reading was cool', compared to the start of the project. Overall, it was found that boys were more likely to enjoy reading ebooks than print books, while girls were
more likely to enjoy reading print books.
Reading; Gender
16 December 2015
Report: State of the Nation and Impact

15 December 2015
Preschool and Academic Success
A study by Oxford University, suggests that children of all backgrounds who receive a preschool education are almost twice as likely to go on to sit AS-levels compared to those without the same educational start.
It's the latest report to be published as part of the EPPSE (effective preschool, primary and secondary education) project. Launched in 1997, the project followed 3,000 children from ages 3 to 18 to identify the factors that can predict a child’s academic success, particularly the effects of a preschool education and a child’s early years home environment. |
Early Years,
14 December 2015
Perinatal and Infant Mental Health
The Child and Maternal Health Observatory (ChiMat) have a page dedicated to Perinatal and Infant Mental Health (PIMH); they have produced an online needs assessment report which discusses mental health issues in pregnancy, the postnatal period as well as in babies and toddlers. Users can also keep up to date with the latest policies and good practice by signing up to their bulletin.
Mental Health,
11 December 2015
What About YOUth?
The new Health Behaviours in Young People (What About YOUth?) Tool provides local authority level estimates for several topic areas, based on what 15-year olds themselves said about their attitudes to healthy lifestyles and risky behaviours, including diet and physical activity, smoking, alcohol, use of drugs, bullying and wellbeing. For each topic area, the information is shown by ethnicity, deprivation, sexuality, region and local authority. The data is based on the What About YOUth 2014 survey.
Drug abuse,
7 December 2015
Care Quality Commission
The Care Quality Commission (CQC) has launched a six month partnership with NSPCC's ChildLine as part of its commitment to listen to and act on young people's experiences of health and social care. This latest 'tell us about your care' partnership is one of seven CQC projects currently running with national organisations that are in a unique position to reach and be reached, by people who may choose to discuss concerns about the way they are receiving health and adult social care or to identify examples of best practice.
Established in 2009, the Care Quality Commission (CQC) is an executive non-departmental public body of the Department of Health, which aims to regulate and inspect health and social care services in England.
The CQC website offers a variety of resources for both providers and the public. Various handbooks and publications cover aspects of care such as child safeguarding, end of life, mental health and neonatal care.
End of Life Care,
Mental Health,
Neonatal Care,
Online Resources,
Social Care,
4 December 2015

CareKnowledge includes the following journals and magazines:
Housing Care and Support
International Journal of Leadership in Public Services
Journal of Adult Protection
Journal of Childrens Services
Journal of Family Health
Journal of Integrated Care
Learning Disability Today
Mental Health Review Journal
Mental Health Today
Mental Health Training Education and Practice
Quality in Ageing and Older Adults
Tizard Learning Disability Review
Working with Older People
Child Health,
Child Protection,
Mental Health,
Online Resources,
Public Health,
Social Care
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