There are many high quality websites dealing with all aspects of childhood and education on the Web - here are some of the best, listed by the type of information that they provide. If an organisation also has an active Twitter feed or YouTube channel, then links to those are available too.
Department for Education
Responsible for education and children's services in the UK.
Twitter Feed YouTube Channel
Office for Standards in Education, Children's Services and Skills; inspects childcare, children's social care, schools, colleges and other learning institutions.
Education Committee
Parliamentary watchdog regulating the Department of Education and Ofsted.
Digital Education Resource Archive (DERA)
Digital archive of all documents published electronically by government and related bodies in the area of education.
CfBT Education Trust
Non-profit organisation specialising in practice-based educational research.
National Foundation for Educational Research (NFER)
Independent research, assessment and information services for education, training and children's services.
Centre for Excellence and Outcomes in Children's and Young People's Services (C4EO)
Evidence-based research on a wide range of children's services.
British Education Index
Range of free services, including full text access to many conference papers.
Education Resources Information Center; online digital library of research from around the globe.
Encyclopedia on Early Childhood Development
Free peer-reviewed online encyclopedia with an international focus covering all aspects of child development.
Effective Provision of Pre-School Education (EPPE) Project
Major ongoing study focussing on the effectiveness of early years education in the UK.
Free database of current education and children's services research in the UK.
Joseph Rowntree Foundation
Research on wide range of social issues.
Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE)
Information on good practice in social care.
Social Care Online
Extensive database of UK social care information.
Economic & Social Research Council (ESRC)
Publicly funded research on range of social issues.
Millennium Cohort Study
Project following the lives of around 19,000 children born in the UK during 2000/01.
National Centre for Social Research
Independent research on all areas of social policy in the UK
Social Welfare Portal
Service from British Library offering access to a range of social care information.
Children & Young People Now
News and articles covering all aspects of child-related issues.
Nursery World
Popular weekly magazine with free access to news stories via their website
Community Care
Information on the social care sector.
Guardian Children
Stories on children's issues from the Guardian newspaper gathered together in one area.
Education & Family
Themed news stories from the BBC.
Teachers Media
Home to the Teachers TV archive - over 3500 free videos to support teaching and learning.
Website of Times Educational Supplement; free access to the paper, job information and more.
Guardian Teacher Network
Tips articles, news stories, interactive exercises, lesson plans and more for teachers.
Site using case studies and scenarios to encourage new teachers to reflect on professional issues.
ICT in Education
Ideas for using ICT in the classroom.
Independent not-for-profit organisation committed to developing creative and innovative approaches to education, teaching and learning.
Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (CEOP)
Information and campaigns on keeping children safe online.
National Children's Bureau
Dedicated to advancing the health and wellbeing of all children and young people in the UK.
National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC)
Child protection and safeguarding. Resources for those working in this area are available from the NSPCC Inform site.
Professional Association for Childcare and Early Years (PACEY)
Organisation formed in 2013 from merger of Daycare Trust and the Family & Parenting Institute.
Campaigns on behalf of vulnerable children.
The Children's Society
Research and campaigning organisation; affiliated to the Church of England.
Anti-Bullying Alliance
Committed to preventing bullying and creating safer environments for children.
Child Poverty Action Group
Campaigns for abolition of child poverty in the UK.
National Day Nurseries Association
National charity and membership association for nurseries.
Promotes the education, training and development of all children with special and additional support needs.
Organisation protecting children's rights around the globe.
UNICEF Innocenti Research Centre
Carries out detailed international research on behalf of UNICEF.
United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child
International convention setting out the civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights of all children.
International Bureau of Education
Information on curriculums around the world.
Information on education systems and policies in Europe.
Save the Children
Campaigns for long-term change to improve children's lives.
Foundation Years
Website to support professionals working with children and families in the foundation years.
The History of Education in England
Essays on the development of schools in England, and links to the full text of many historical reports.
National Literacy Trust
News, information and research on all aspects of literacy.
Cambridge Primary Review
Information on the largest review of primary education in over 40 years; the final report was delivered in 2009.
Early years organisation for anyone involved with the education and training of those who work with young children.
SEND Gateway
Online portal offering access to "high quality information, resources and training for meeting the needs of children with special educational needs and disabilities."
Children's Food Trust
Specialist advice, training and support to anyone who provides food for children.
Equality and Human Rights Commission
Statutory body promoting equality of all types.
Twitter Feed YouTube Channel
Young Minds
Information on young people's mental health and wellbeing.
Twitter Feed YouTube Channel
Features videos for parents and carers of children, addressing issues such as wellbeing, behaviour and learning.
Twitter Feed YouTube Channel
Social Care TV
Online videos for everyone involved in the social care sector.
YouTube Channel
Play England
Offshoot of National Children's Bureau which seeks to promote play as a crucial part of children's daily lives.
Twitter Feed
Kathy Brodie
Articles and ideas for Early Years Professionals from well known practitioner.
Twitter Feed
Education Otherwise
Information on home schooling in the UK.
Early Learning HQ
Free Key Stage One and Foundation Stage resources for teachers.
Twitter Feed
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